By the title of this post, I’m implying that my thoughts on FOIA will be a series. You know me. The next post in the series might not happen for a month or eleven. They are on my to-do list,…
DC (dot) nerd
DC. It’s all gouda.
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
I briefly considered applying for a job in Delaware. My lunch has spoken and told me I need to stay in DC.
A DC.Nerd’s heaven
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
Shown here, my heaven. On the left, the 1901 District of Columbia Code, through 1924. Next to that, the 1901 Code amended through 1929, followed by five annual supplement volumes. The two dark blue volumes? The 1940 D.C. Code. With…
Hello from the Office of Public Records
by dcdotnerd • • 1 Comment
[NB: I’m not actually writing this from OPR. I hope that’s obvious.] Last week I introduced myself to the Friends of the DC Archives. In doing so, I shared my Twitter handle, and thus exposed this here blog/website. Having done so, I…
When your resources aren’t perfect
by dcdotnerd • • 4 Comments
This post is a bit of a “what would YOU do?” request for input. Let me begin with the background: I am, on behalf of my office, working on a project to digitize (*cough*scan*cough*) all of the D.C. Laws from…
Notable DC Figures: John Ross
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
When I’m on track to be on time for work (which happens most of the time now that I have cats waking me up in the morning), my walk to work is filled with parents and their kids walking to…
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m a big West Wing fan. I popped the first DVD in last night and while pondering questions like “why is CJ being called about the president’s bike accident at 5 in the…
Notable DC figures: Nannie Helen Burroughs
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue Northeast was named in 1976 after over 5000 petitioners requested the change from Dean Avenue.[1] Why did she deserve this honor? Because she dedicated her life’s work to the education of African American girls and women.[2]…
Notable DC figures: Francis Gregory
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
The Francis A. Gregory branch of the DC Public Library is located in Fort Davis. The “A,” if you’re curious, stands for “Anderson.” The library was named for Francis Gregory, who lived in Fort Davis, in 1986, by D.C. Law…
Notable DC figures: Patricia Roberts Harris
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
Patricia Roberts Harris is known to (relative) newcomers to DC because a school building is named for her. P.R. Harris Education Center is currently used as a location for the University of the District of Columbia Community College but previously was…