Forever Family Friday

Hi hoomans, Skates here. Mama says the “thing” in Internetland is alliteration, so Shadow and I came up with Forever Family Friday. Shadow and I both hold special places in our hearts for the cats who are in the shelter at the Washington Humane Society. Mama adopted me straight from the shelter, and Shadow was so scared there, that’s why he went to his foster mom’s house.

Photo of Skates in his cage at the humane society.

The first picture Mama took of Skates

Photo of a cage at the humane society with a bowl of food, a bowl of water, a litter box, and a towel. Shadow isn't visible in the picture because he is hiding under the towel.

Shadow hiding in his cage at the Humane Society

So while we really want you to adopt our foster sister Mocha, we also want you to consider the kittelach who aren’t lucky enough to be in foster care. That’s what Forever Family Fridays are going to be about.

Today we want to tell you about Topper! Topper’s profile doesn’t tell you anything about him, but Mama has inside information. Topper was an outdoor kitty (see his ear tip?) but had a person who loved and cared for him. Sadly, that person passed away, and a WHS volunteer picked Topper up and learned that he is a total cuddle bug and really wants to be an indoor kitty with a hooman or two to spoil him.

photograph of Topper in a cage at the humane society. Topper is an orange tabby.


Run to New York Avenue and make this Topper’s Forever Family Friday!

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  1. Pingback: Oops–Mistake Monday | Kittelach

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