Ten Facts About Me, by Beans

  1. I’m good for your heart. I’ll snuggle by your chest at night and it’s very calming.
  2. I love to hunt bugs and ghosts. My favoritest toy is a Cat Dancer because it’s like hunting bugs without the gross factor of having bugs in the house.
  3. I don’t like people to come towards me, but if you let me come to you, I’m quite a lovey girl.
  4. I’m a healthy kitteleh.
  5. My foster mama says I have Einstein whiskers.
  6. I eat super fast like a vacuum!
  7. I’m a digger, so I like a high-sided litter box.
  8. I have cute white toesies.
  9. I am very chatty. Especially when I’m pacing and waiting for dinner.
  10. I have a ‘dorable run.

I met a man, by Mocha

Dear people,

I met a man yesterday. He came to this house to figure out what is wrong with my foster mama’s air conditioning, and I followed him around like a loyal pup. (#CatsRuleDogsDrool and all that, but you people seem to like loyalty.) I rubbed against his legs and I supervised his work.

I could do all of that for you! All you need to do is adopt me. The first step is to meet me; email my foster mama (kittelach at gmail) and set up a time to come to this house.



P.S. Here’s me being cute at one of those dreadful adoption events.

Mocha at Planet Pet

Nine reasons to adopt Mocha

2015-09-15 21.53.26


  1. She will be your constant companion.
  2. She has a cute little tummy shake when she runs.
  3. She loves a few quick scritches behind her ears.
  4. She doesn’t scratch furniture.
  5. She keeps the kitty litter in the box.
  6. She lets you know when it’s time to play.
  7. Everyone should have a black cat in time for Halloween.
  8. She needs you.
  9. The adoption fee is only nine dollars this week!!

Scheduling a visit will be rough this week because of Yom Kippur, but we’ll make it work for you! Email kittelach at gmail dot com.


Carriers of Faith

Attention people and felines of the Internet! I am Mocha’s press secretary, DC.Nerd, announcing to all the official formation of Mocha’s religion: Carriers of Faith.

photograph of Mocha sitting in her cat carrier

Subscribe to Carriers of Faith, and no longer will your cat carrier be a source of anxiety but a fountain of tuna treats!

silhouette of a generic fish

Join now by sending tuna treats, and you will be rewarded. (Warning: this YouTube link will autoplay when you click on it.)

Mocha is looking for a new parsonage! Take your tuna treats to the Washington Humane Society to make your home hers.

With love and faith from the treatgiver,



P.S. Persons of the Internet who wish for their cats to join Carriers of Faith may wish to check out this step-by-step guide to conversion.

Ten Facts About Me, by Mocha

1. I don’t do this whole dictate-to-human-to-write-in-first-person-crap, get off my lawn.

Well, I guess the other nine facts about Mocha are going to be by foster mama DC.Nerd. (Me.)

2. Mocha is 12. In cat years, that does put her squarely in “get off my lawn” territory. She’s earned the right to be a little ornery!

3. We try to be body-positive here, but Mocha is a bit on the chubby side. And a bit on the fluffy side!

4. Mocha is a self-soother. She learned at some point that when she gets agitated, she should go straight to her scratcher and she’ll feel better.

5. Mocha learns fast. It only took two or three times giving her treats in a carrier for her to decide that the carrier is a good place to be, and now she hangs out there probably 50% of the time.

Photograph of Mocha in her carrier

6.Mocha is protective of her territory and her people. (This is why she should be an only cat.)

7. Mocha isn’t a lap cat, but does love being near people. She happily sits near me in whatever room I’m in and has started hopping up in bed with me (much to the consternation of Skates and Shadow).

8. Mocha is particular about the arrangement of her living space. I will put her water bowl down and come back 15 minutes later to find it in front of the open carrier flap, as opposed to the where-I-won’t-trip-over-it location I put it down in.

9. Mocha likes wand toys, and will carry one of them around the house with her.

10. Mocha likes kisses on the head and nuzzling noses.

Bonus fact! Mocha is all ready to be adopted; she just needs her forever family to wake up and smell the coffee! If that’s you, email us at kittelach@gmail and we can arrange a time for you to come over.

Why Adopt a Senior Cat?

Hi peoples! I’m Shadow, and I should be the oldest in my house (I just turned four!!) but Mama keeps fostering cats older than me. I’m here to tell you today why you should adopt a senior cat. And I’m not doing that just because I want Mocha out of my house so I can be the oldest again. I’m doing it because there are lots of senior cats (and dogs, but #CatsRuleDogsDrool) who need and want homes.

So without further ado, here’s why to adopt a senior cat:

1. Senior cats are slower. No zooming down the hallway for dinner for these cats! (Which means we younger adults can get there first.) [Source: me.]

2. Senior cats “often know that scratching posts (not furniture) are for scratching and toys (not hands or feet) are for biting.” [Source: Petfinder.] P.S. Mocha is a good example of this!

3. Senior cats are pretty chill. They’re not likely to try parkour in your living room. [Source: Vetstreet.com.]

4. Senior cats often have a more full history available, so you’re more likely to have information in advance on whether the cat gets along with other cats or kids or what-have-you. [Source: Petango.]

5. Since senior cats are often passed over for kittens, when you adopt a senior cat, you’re opening space in a shelter not just for one other cat, but probably many other cats.

6. Senior cats still have a lot of life (and love!) left in them.

Image is a photo of a cat with text reading

Sweet Sweet Mocha

A guest post by Mama, about Mocha:

photo of Mocha being petted by Mama

The boys asked me to tell you about how sweet Mocha is. You see, Mocha is very very sweet with me, but isn’t so much a fan of the boys. This is why we think she should be an only cat. As an only cat, Mocha can let down her guard and share all her love with you.

Mocha likes to do what I call “doing noses.” Doing noses is the heartmeltingly wonderful act of nuzzling noses. And not all cats like to do it. But Mocha does. She hangs out in the bathroom of my house, so we do noses every time I go in to use the sink. Have I used the bathroom sink instead of the kitchen sink just so that I can have extra times to do noses with Mocha? I’ll never tell.

Mocha came to my house with two wand toys, which her former foster mom reported are her favorite toys. (I can tell you that I watched with my own eyes Mocha playing with a table tennis ball as well.) Mocha is a great wand-toy-huntress. She watches…patiently…and when the time is right…POUNCES! I’ve seen that she’s tried to take matters into her own paws when she’s wanted to play and I haven’t been home. (The toy is under the sink? I know that I didn’t put it there!)

Mocha is the first of the kittelach to meet me at the door when I come home. She follows me into the kitchen and sits with me, even without whining for food! She just wants to share my space.

Mocha may look more like an espresso than a delicious mocha, but she is a sweet girl ready to warm up your mornings.

Need Coffee?

mocha poster

Transcription of poster:

Image is a moderate quality photo of Mocha. (Sorry, but Mama is a pretty bad photographer, and Mocha is black, and black cats are harder to photograph, so this is the best Mama has been able to do.)

Text says: “Need coffee? How about a Mocha! I’m the Mocha for you. I’m available for adoption through the Washington Humane Society. Email my foster mama at kittelach at gmail dot com. About Mocha: Age 12. Playful. Needs to be an only cat. Spayed and up to date on shots.”

Then there’s a silhouette of a coffee mug with Mocha’s name on it.

Stay tuned for a post from Mama about how sweet Mocha is with her!