Author Archive for dcdotnerd

Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies

Skimming the DC Code and I come across Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies after 1998. The statute gives Council the authority to issue rules, which struck me as kind of…off-putting? since rules are generally the province of the executive/Mayor. But whatever. A…


Did I fool you into thinking that this would be a political post? Sorry, no such luck. Just wanting to point out an inconsistency I came across while skimming the DC Code regarding public sector workers’ compensation. (Not injured on…


Today’s post comes from a combination of my curiosity and my ignorance of history. I would guess (with no research into the question), as a matter of course, that a government’s default stance is that a person is ineligible for…

White male property owners?

Is that provocative enough? Too provocative? Too provocative since race and racism are the issues of the week? (We haven’t heard of any new transvaginal ultrasound requirements this week, have we?) Too provocative since this is only about property ownership…

Today’s Nerdity and a Neologism

In my work today, I came across two coards* that have sunset dates in the coming months. One, the Tenant Advisory Council, sunsets next Monday, and the other, the Advisory Committee to the Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender…

Ramblings on employment of DC residents

Earlier today there was a hearing on Bill 19-486, the Unemployed Anti-Discrimination Amendment Act of 2011. As the title indicates, it is about adding “unemployment status” to the list of protected classes in DC’s human rights law, so that employers…