Author Archive for dcdotnerd


If you didn’t guess from my previous post on the matter, I have a bit of a love affair with the Freedom of Information Act. (This may have something to do with my own searches for information that should be…

Lazy government workers

Government workers get a bad rap. We’re supposedly all lazy, unhelpful, want to give people the run-around, etc. My experience has, for the most part, been the opposite. I confess personally to some minor irritation when someone from outside the…

Consistency, conshmistency

A brief follow up to yesterday’s post on committee names. Today’s step (one of today’s steps…) in the big project was to search the DC Code to find committees, boards, etc., that the Director of DPR sits on. (Yesterday involved…

Snow dismissal

In light of the federal government’s new early dismissal policy for snow events (oh wow who did I just channel in calling them that?), which I haven’t read, I thought I would share a no-longer-in-effect Mayor’s Memorandum (rescinded in 2001)…

It’s Friday and that means…

DC Register day! For a serious (with occasional snark) summary, you can always follow fellow nerd hgil on twitter. But if you want the best parts of the Register (i.e., Council’s Ceremonial Resolutions), you have to come here. The best ACRs…