I briefly considered applying for a job in Delaware. My lunch has spoken and told me I need to stay in DC.
Ah, 19th century news
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
Is there anything more enjoyable than a brief item from a 19th century newspaper? For example: A man was taken out of the Canal last night by the Watchmen and carried to the watch-house. He was so far gone as…
Carter G. Woodson
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
One of the benefits of the current location of the DC Office of Public Records is its proximity to the Carter G. Woodson Home National Historic Site and the Carter G. Woodson Memorial Park. On my way to the office…
Industry in 1915
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
“Lack of scientific cost-finding systems in the women’s muslin underwear industry has led to ruinous competition in the industry.” Evening Star, November 26, 1915, page 12.
Adopt Prince!
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
[View the story “Adopt the Prince of the Kittelach” on Storify]
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m a big West Wing fan. I popped the first DVD in last night and while pondering questions like “why is CJ being called about the president’s bike accident at 5 in the…
Tisha B’Av and Ostriching
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
Today was Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, which is a day of communal mourning. In a fascinating stroke of coincidence, both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem fell on the ninth of Av.…
Urban Alliance, and I can’t believe I’m doing this
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
I read the incredibly cheesy portmanteau “Blogust” on Twitter and since it makes much more sense than NaNoBloPo (let’s leave that month to the novel writers, please) and I have a lot to say, I figured I’d take part. We’ll…
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
Dear advice columnist, I am writing today so that I can show your response to the offender in this situation. I am too chicken to speak to him directly. I should start by saying that I am very fortunate never…
Navel Gazing
by dcdotnerd • • 0 Comments
1. I definitely need to get myself back in the blogging habit. 2. I have a lot of things in my head about issues of race. Was going to blog about them, realized it might be just a lot of…