Libraries and information

Reading update

Looking at my list of posts, it appears that I’ve completely neglected to keep up my running commentary on my 50 states, 50 books project. You might have noticed that you’re not really missing anything, as my “reviews” of the…

Arizona (and why Alaska is missing)

Arizona’s book is Crossers, by Philip Caputo. Definitely not a book I would have chosen to read based on the book jacket (wait until we get to California–THAT’S a book I almost didn’t read despite the list) but I appreciate having…


Last night I read the first on my list of books for 2014. Looking for Alaska, by John Green. First of all, it takes place at a boarding school. That’s one way straight to my heart. Second, it is very…

2014 Book list: 50 states

Any list of states that leaves out DC pretty much bugs me, but 50 books in a year is easier than 51, so I forgive the curator of this one. A novel for each state. I’ve read Alaska already (LOVE MICHAEL…

On privilege

Three things in the last 24 hours have me thinking about privilege. First, Fobazi’s great post at Hack Library School about diversity and intersectionality. Read it, read the comments (seriously). Then there was the guilty plea of Florida Rep. Trey…

The fourth day in the life

Home inspection day! Waiting for the typed up report, but just minor things that a quick visit from an electrician should take care of, I think. Tomorrow I must deal with insurance. No progress on the spring semester schedule debacle. Last…

Day three in the life

This is definitely not the typical week of a library student. (Not that I know what a typical week looks like. I just know that this ain’t it.) Today started out with a field trip for school (my first and…

Day 2 in the life

That’s it. I’m dropping out. Today’s day was interrupted by a wholly pointless meeting with our department chair. Working backwards through the story, I wish he had just returned my email suggesting the meeting with a “yep, you’re screwed, no…

HLSDITL! (Day 1)

It’s round two of Hack Library School Day in the Life. And what a week it promises to be. But first, my crazy fish:  That’s Dagger. Nose-down in his plant. Now, back to relevant stuff. Today is Monday, which means…