Candy Crush Saga status: I’m on level 50.
School status: I remembered yesterday that with spring break being over, I have to read for my classes next week. This is why I’ve never liked spring break; it feels like there is so much time to catch up and then the end comes and you’re further behind than you would be if you’d just had class all week.
Paper status: Yes, I distinguished between school and paper-writing, though the immediate paper is for school. Current paper is going okay; I’m pretty confident (I just typed “condiment” instead) that when I go on Sunday to my usual coffee-carbs-and-coursework location, I’ll be able to focus and push through. I’m less confident about being able to use APA style to cite to my sources. (Not a problem citing my sources. It’s just that the Bluebook would be a better style for the particular sources I’m using.) This one is due on Thursday, along with a pie.
Paper 2 status: I’ve got another paper to write that exactly mimics the first one in style/direction, except focused on different course goals. I haven’t been following the Dale Askey/Edwin Mellen Press drama but have been looking for a way to justify the reading. This paper will be it. I did some very very very preliminary searching last night and discovered that there is a book written about another EMP libel suit. There are three copies in DC but none anywhere that I have regular reason to be, and it isn’t available through our consortium. Not sure why. But it’s okay! My office has a new intern who just started today, and lo and behold, he goes to school with one of the copies of the book! I’ve given him the call number and other pertinent information, and he is going to get it for me when he is next on campus. (Sadly for me, he is on spring break NEXT week, so it will be a while until I get it.)
Paper 3 status: Research paper due at the end of the semester. The proposal is due on Tuesday, but I sent it two weeks ago with the express purpose of then working on the paper during spring break. Hasn’t happened. The plan here is to write about Library of Congress Subject Headings and their evolution with advances in social consciousness.
Paper 4 status: Another research paper due at the end of the semester. This one I’ve done serious research for already (sorry, trees) but not so much writing. This one is about FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and the problem with the use of the word “information” in its name. My thesis is that FOIA isn’t about information at all. This paper has to be good because I want it to be publishable.
Paper 5: not for school! Another thing I want to write and have published about electronic publishing of legal materials. That’s what the immediate paper is on, as well, but that one is focused on the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act, and what I want to write for paper 5 will have a very different focus. That’s all I’m saying because I don’t want any of you to steal my idea! This one won’t happen until the summer, but hopefully it WILL happen during the summer.
The scary thing is that there is also a paper 6 in my head (and on my to-do list), as well as a tutorial series (which has been in dry erase pen on my bathroom mirror for the last three months). Not sure where I think I’ll be finding time for all of these!
Finally, my last reflections on this last day of HLSDITL. For the moment, I’ve changed my mind about working in an academic law library. Again I’m being close-mouthed about the actual vision I have, but I’ve swung back to my local government love in my thinking. Good thing I have time to change my mind again!